i'm a H-A-PP-Y girl tonite
started the day all blurry...pre-occupied with thoughts abt my unfinished/4 line essay which had to be submitted tomorrow!! i don't have have a choice but to complete the 1000-word essay tonite! Ok i was not really panickin as i woke up tis mornin feelin very inspired, very fresh and full of ideas!! While balancin myself in the crowded bus, i had to write down some of my overflowin ideas...ooooh rush rush adrenalin charged! when i reach the entrance of the lab, i felt somethin weird...my feet felt rather comfy...i looked downt and guess what?? i wore slippers instead of my usual "cover toe" shoes...and i didn't realise till i reach the lab! *smack forehead*
thank God the manager did not see much of my toes, otherwise she'd surely made alot of noise abt it! Phewww~
today was mesye's off day but i was not able to accompany him all day, what with my intensive genetics class commencin till Wednesday nite. so i thought maybe i could have lunch/dinner with him, which he was not keen abt
...Fine...then somehow, before i knocked off from work, he suggested we go have Waffles at Holland Village! Oooo without hesitation i of course AGREED! he bugged me to walk faster when i was on my way since he had already ordered the Waffles and waitin for me to start eatin. OK so i rushed over, and as soon as i sat, we digged in! *slurp slurp*
as i was eatin, i noticed tis Big Kate Spade paper bag perched at the next table's chair, but without an owner. I asked mesye "Who does that belogs to eh?" he said the owner went into the shop (we had alfresco seating)..so i thought "Oh..hmmm must be some rich bugger, leavin a Designer stuff unattended out here!" Mesye wolfed down his waffles share pretty quickly today while i savoured mine. "Eh how come u eat so fast today? Kemaruk (desperate for) waffles ah?" he replied coolly.."I haven't had waffles for two weeks u noe" hmmm ok, that reminded me of how surprised Dee was lookin at him enjoyin his waffles sometime back. I was pretty bugged by that Big Kate Spade bag..."Where is the freakin owner?? Did she forget her stuff or somethin? Can't be, right..??" We finished up our waffles and mesye put away the plate at the other table. I thought he might wanna take out his Powerbook but he didn't. Moments later, he began to reach out to that mysterious paper bag. He said somethin like I wonder what's inside when he peered and ready to whip the bag to our side. I was perplexed, in my heart "Eh how could u take people's things like that" then it somehow hit me " OMG, oh no...don't tell me.." then next thing i knew mesye was smilin, more like grinnin at me.."It's mine..For U"
WHAT???!!!! ANOTHER STUNT???first it was the monkey surprise by ladyjenna n gang now Mesye is gettin into the act too?!??! BLOODY HELL!!! I was of course MIGHTY SHOCKED!! I could only look at Iyuan in disbelief and stare at my BIG present! But my birthday is not here yet!! Then he said u can use it on ur birthday! i contemplated on openin the present but he encouraged me to. OMG!!!!!! WHAT IS IT?? Honestly, i've heard of the brand, i noe it's some US designer brand but i don't even noe what they sell...i thought maybe shoes or dress..."Did u get me a dress??"...mesye said no. TIS IS SO BLOODY EXCITIN!! I was grinnin like a silly girl, untyin the white ribbon, then slowly openin the BIG box, then unfolded some papers and finally openin the protective bag.....Ooooo My......i was greeted by the luxurious smell of leather ...by Lord it smell so REAL!! MESYE BOUGHT ME A HANDBAG!!!!! FROM KATE SPADE!!!!! And the best thing is..... IT's GROOOOOVYYYYYYYY BABY~~~~~WOOOOOHOOOO!!! VERY MUCH TOO MY LIKINGG!!! I felt like jumpin around like a silly monkey but ehem, i very much realise i am a Woman, so i ended up huggin him so tight and thankin him so much for the GIFT!!! I LUV IT I LUV IT I LUV IT!!!!!!
Oh! oh! i forgot to mention the birthday card he got me...it was SUCH A TEASE!! there was a a Male Angel(representin Him)..with Balloon coverin his pRivates!!! OOOooooooo NAUGHTY!!!! Hmmm shall i write what he wrote innit?? NAHHHHH!!! Bwahahahaha!!!
AWWWWWW MESYE!!!!! I LOVE U I LOVE I LOVE MANY MANY ah!!!!! Hehehehehee!!!!!
i wanted to wear off my new bag to school, but i changed my mind. put it back nicely in the box and then off i went. the class has not started when i walked in...some of my classmate who noticed teased me...Ey...weddin gown ah?? *errks* Dee was surprised i carried such a big paper bag while grinnin n blushin, she kept askin me to open the box and show her the present but heh, i was adament...i shall not open it till my birthday! so end up showin her my photo lookin all ecstatic with mesye's gift! 
then lesson began, i was pretty much distracted with what happened earlier, still semi-delirious and all...the next thing i noe, Luciano announced we'll be havin our break but not before he announced that he would like to EXTEND the deadline for the essay till NEXT TUESDAY! OMG!!! I was all ears...I almost leapt out of my seat screamin WOOHOOO!! Obviously i was relieved that i don't have to spend tonite rushin and finishin up the essay!!! ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!! after the break, paid more attention to that "rocker dude" lectured us on Evolution and soon enuff, end of class. No questions? *shake head* Luciano packed up, ready to catch Brasil vs Ghana, but not before he flashed his national squad to the class on the projector. My God...tis lecturer is indeed funky! Hahah well i guess he must be pretty happy, his side won 3-0! I guess class will turn out good tomorrow!! Hehehehe!!
Ok...i'm gonna sleep with all tis ecstacy & euphoria in my head...Tata & Good nite~
[P.S. Ah Girl, if u r readin tis...Thank U too for conspirin with Iyuan to get me the lovely bag!! Iyuan felt bad u were late for ur class and he's got no chance to treat u, me too! So much for his "$10 present"!! Hope we could meet up soon for a lil ice-kachang treat from Iyuan! *LoL*]