Monday, 22 August 2005

Belly Happy!!

Haaaaa.......what a week end! Spent 7.5 hours learnin choregraphies in my BD workshops & oh boy, i am soo drained!! Both physically & mentally BUT deep down inside, i am soo nourished & inspired  ! The Inner Goddess has awaken, i am empowered by femininity n boy, I feel like a Woman!!!

It has been a real honour for me to participate in these workshops by two very A-M-A-Z-I-N-G dancers, Kaeshi from New York & Rose from Australia! I love the workshops (costed me $178 *gasp*)!! I thought Kaeshi's dance style was really dynamic, interplayin between classic BD moves with a lil flamenco twist while Rose indeed lives up to her Drum Solo Queen title, for her choreo.....*Ooohhh la la la*...she had tis "Crash Boom Bang" effect on me, i mean...i had a hard time tryin to follow up her moves because she was quite a sight to watch! Her every move is so sensual, her isolations are superb and so powerful, makes me feel like i juz wanna stop dancin n watch her strut her stuff...yes, she's That engagin!

The workshops are real eye openers and it makes me a lil sad because in Singapore, we hardly have any dancers/teachers who are as Amazing as these ladies, we are way way behind....kinda tragic. Hmm but at least, the teachers here do make an effort to expose students to foreign/master teachers who are really passionate and skilled, so yeah i'm thankful for that.

Oh and i managed to catch my ex-classmates from Kreta Ayer CC performin at the Youth Empowered National Carnival in Youth Park for the past two days too. And today, my dance partner performed her first solo there! I rushed there after my drum solo workshop juz to watch tis sweetie and She was lovely! i'm so VERY PROUD of Her!! Congratulations Jess ....i so wanted to join u on stage but....oh well...doesn't matter. U did Great!! And also, Congratulations to cuzzin Sitz & committee for runnin the carnival smoothly despite facin some complications & bad weather.

It's been a belly good week end for me, what more i managed to squeeze in some time to watch MU won 1-0 over Aston Villa with bf last nite (the match was quite a drag initially) and also a lil chillin good time with Anne, Firus & Mr Fyz over tea at Coffee Club, after my workshops today. U noe, the tea I had was simply delicious n soothin, nxt time u visit Coffee Club, ask for a pot of Strawberry's fragrant & with a lil sugar, it's a perfect drink to infuse you with energy (i was really worn out today...Mr Fyz said i looked like i had a hangover...yeah rite, mabok on BD!!*LoL*) but mild enuff to keep u relaxed n sane after a tirin day....Ahhhh, Cheers~



Reminder to self: Practise practise practise....Onis, Chonks, Belly Rolls & Flutters


  1. Glad that those money were well spent and fruitful.... : )

  2. And as usual, you look beautiful-as usual:)

  3. err sophie..i cant see the pictures

  4. jez: yeah it was pretty well spent i'd say...Good things do not come cheap, knowledge & experience & friendship gained...Priceless!

    sean: aren't u a lil generous on that compliment? but i guess i'll accept that graciously. Thank You! *curtsy*

    hafiz: hmmm i think there's a lil problem with the server today. guess u gotta check out the pics tomorrow. hope u can view them. nothin fleshy tho! hahah!

  5. I always said you are the best looking woman in town:)

  6. I'll wake you with a kiss, just like the fairy tale:)

  7. lol. i just saw the pics. anyway, the one beside u is ur instructor? she has a good figure!

    and yeah, urs not bad too. haha

  8. yup, thats Kaeshi, the instructor from new york! she doesn't just have a good figure, she's pretty well sculpted too! *envy, envy*

    Hey, if u r interested to see her dance, there's a few lil vids at

    enjoy n maybe u might get infected by the BD virus too! ahahaha!

  9. It's always the bad ass that makes a girl's heart beat louder:)

  10. *LoL* kinda agree with dat BUT in the end, a bad ass is also the one who shatters a girl's fragile heart :b
