Gee sometimes i really i have to say it out loud to myself! Especially juz now. Can u imagine, a 23 year old woman climbing a pussy willow tree? What the hell?
It all happened when I was sendin off my friend Sue to her bus stop when we saw some cats. Everytime Sue come over to my house for her BD lessons, she will stroke stray cats and today 3 of em stopped her in her track. Mine too. 2 of em were on the tree and one was lookin at those 2 kitties on the tree. I dunno what went on in her head, she went to the tree and said the kitties were tremblin. They sure did look terrified especially after a stupid man threw down a bag of water at the kitties on the tree. Sue stood at the base of the tree, tryin to get them to come down. She even shook a branch or two in hope they got scared and they'll jump off the tree. But i guess, it was too high for them. After 5-10 minutes of seein her, tryin helplessly to coax those kitties down, I knew it will not happen. Guess wat happens nxt? Yours truly climbed the bloody tree and offered her hand but the kitties got frightened and moved higher! Arghh!!! But somehow, i managed to stroke and coax one for like 5 min and i grabbed it and down it went. The 2nd kittie, was still tremblin when i wanted to reach to it. And wat did Sue do? She was takin my photos on her handphone!!
Then a man came by and was curious to see why the heck was i on a tree and bf called and asked where was i?? I told him i was On a tree! He sounded like he couldn't believe wat i said! I mean who would rite?? It's so crazy! But thank God he didn't blow his top and i told him i'll be meetin him in abt 5 min. I wanted to come down when Sue and the stranger gave the branch another tug and somehow the last kittie grew a lil more brave and moved towards me. so i reach out to it, grab it and it scratched me before scamperin off when it got down on the ground. The next thing i noe was i have to be on my way to meet my bf, time was tickin. My leg was kinda like cramped abit but it was okay. Off we went to Tampines to get him a new PSP game. Had a chance to play it too on our way back home, I'm beginnin to like it, that Wipeout game...tho i sucked at it. Hahaa!
Now that I have time to sit down and reflect on what happened today, somethin popped up in my head. Hmm...hours before kittie incident, I went to RVPS to assist in Creative Movement lesson. Took a cab to that school cos the bus i was waitin for was scheduled to come at a timing that was not feasible for me. Then when i was in the cab, the driver asked if i was actually headin to the school to fetch my children?!! Now from his question, it seems to me like I look like a Woman to him not a girl! Hmmm i've always loved climbin ard since i was a baby, my family has a whole lotta story abt me n my climbing...but God, i'm 23 now and i look like a woman, legally i AM one! Shouldn't this climbin affinity then juz fade away, shouldn't i be more demure and feminine...where's my motherly instinct?? Hello, where is the woman in me?? i'm so disconnected with feminity!! Yes i dress like one, talk like one but i dun behave like one definitely not juz now. Urghhh u think i got identity crisis or need some help in developin my maturity?? Argghhh!! I need to behave like a proper lady!!
Feel so lame rite now but hmmm...this is wat a journal's for rite? To express one self... so dun judge me, Guide me.... I need to find that Woman in Me!!! M.A.D.N.E.S.S.
there's the masculine side in all women and vice versa. don't be too worried about it ya. lol..
ReplyDeletei thought that was very brave of you. not many people would've mastered enough courage to do wat you juz did. kudos to the brave gal.
cabbie's comment should be ignore for he hasn't take a good look at a gal he's talking to.
hv fun in your classes...
Firstly, *salute* for ur courage to climb that tree.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, u dun need to behave like a lady if u are a lady. erm, u get what i meant? haha lol
but still, *salute* (=
Hey, come on.. You are climbing that tree for a reason. To save the cat. It's not like you just climb for fun and swing like a monkey so, its excusable. By the way, kudos to you. A good deed during Singapore Kindness Week (or was it over?). Hehe.. If I were you, I'd just "buat bodoh". I hate felines.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok not to behave like a proper lady all the time. Those are for our mothers time. Yeap, my mum sometimes nags at me for not behaving like a lady. But time is different now. Women are excelling in sports like wakeboarding and stunts already. So, its okay. Imagine if your kid some how got stuck on the tree, you still have to climb up and get him/her down, right?
Hallo babe..kudos to you for saving kittens off the tree. You are a woman who climbs and save kittens. Thats a mature lady if you ask me. Girlish would be someone petty who would not climb the bloody tree because her nails would chip..bleargh...hate those kinda bimbos. So babe, you are a woman and u should know it. Demure does not lies in u wearing a skirt and sexy is not when u are in minis. Demure is when you in control of a urself when the situation is a whole lotta mess (like saving kittens) and sexy is when you stand out from the crowd for the right reasons (like speaking ur mind and saving kittens). So lady, you are definitely a woman.
ReplyDeleteEhh?? Wow thank u ladies for ur assurin responses n sharin ur thoughts. Thank you Jez, Samantha, Hafi n Lydia!
ReplyDeletei'm juz wishin i'd behave like a proper woman. i feel like i'm still strugglin to settle down in my own skin to bring out the lady within. i am wayyy over puberty period, but i still feel like i'm in a state of transition...can't quite cross over to Womanhood. Do u ever feel tis way no matter wat age u r?
Some of my friends are already dealin wif marriage, pregnancy and motherhood....yet here i am, still caught up in the process of growin up.
anyone has got contact to a Fairy Godmother who could turn me into an elegant, graceful woman? hahahaa ok i'm goin crazy...think my PMS is on its way! :x
*Salute to All Women of the World* all the time ;)
ReplyDeleteNo worries, girl.. Maybe not our time yet. Maybe when its our turn, we'll become better then them, who knows because we would have learnt a lot before our crossing over. For now, enjoy life, later you can't even find time to do belly-dancing with kids around.
ReplyDeleteWateva...But when u do decide to climb trees or go play in longkangs, pls do let me know in advance rather than make me wait ok...And like the great rasta man sang " No woman, No cry"
ReplyDeleteEhh? Hmmm ok and like the great band sang "Don't Look Back in Anger"
ReplyDeleteso sweet of u to rescue the pussies. :D
ReplyDeletewho cares if u climbed a tree?? it doesn't make less of a woman..
ps: i love climbing ard too. ^5 family called me monyet sia..
new mantra:climbin tree to save pussies doesn't make me less of a woman
ReplyDeleteishhh they call u monyet?? aiyooo...but thank God u dun grow up lookin like one! some weird joke....
ReplyDeleteya lah...amg all trees that they have to climb! *roll eyes* tak senonoh!
ReplyDeleteWow! Climbing a tree to save a cat! That is really something! But dun go climbing around saving snakes! He3. Jus kidding! So u did survive the giant red ants troop! Tat is a great thing too!
ReplyDeleteluckily there wasn't any ants!