Wednesday, 16 March 2005

My Organic Chemistry Phobia is Me?!

You scored 32 Mass, 31 Electronegativity, 30 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!
Nobody understands you... no, not even organic chemists. The social individualist. You like your attention... but not TOO MUCH attention. You are able to form incredibly close relationships with many individuals, but you don't really get along with preexisting groups. You value equality in relationships, and don't deal well with overly submissive or demanding people. Well, whatever... thanks for making life possible... oh, and cut the global warming out.

Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test on Ok Cupid


Whoa the description of me in tis test is kinda accurate.

I tell u guys, Carbon is the most studied element in my Organic Chemistry module. So many chemical reactions evolve around tis particular element. Give me such a headache!! Organic Chemistry sucks! No...actually, i suck at it. Boohoohooo...


  1. Well, who doesn't? I suck at it too.. No worries.

  2. I agree with u and I am abt to find out if I suck at it....I need loads of luck for that

  3. wahaha
    same here. organic chemistry is a killer..
    btw im a copper....

  4. You are sort of a natural leader, but you will probably never end up as one. You are fantastic at mobilizing people towards a common goal, but you switch approaches to problems too fast for your followers to keep up with. I guess this translates into the work world that you will be promoted quickly, and then replaced just as quickly. You're into some freaky stuff in relationships... just stay away from Oxygens... you'll keep wanting them more and more, thinking that they are the one thing that can set this universe back on track for you (when in fact they were the ones who derailed it) until one day you find yourself outside of their apartment with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a gun in the other... determined that one of you will not survive the night if he/she does not agree to become the gracious spouse that you know they ought to be. A bit too dramatic? Maybe... go ahead and ignore me.... AT YOUR OWN PERIL!
