It's a fresh start here in the blogsphere as I have finally exported all what I needed from Multiply as it changes its direction to cater for e-commerce in the Sout East Asia. Albeit the lil hiccups here & there, well I guess a change might be refreshingly good! So here's a lil homage to my ol homepage...no longer lost in that Wonderland....
For a start, I do love my new customised blog look! Haha! It's customising frenzy again after years of getting things all nice and cosy there in Multiply. For such a person who indulges herself in photography, now I have to find some place else to stash & share my photos!
I'm not gonna get all stressed out over tis, honestly i'm much more crazy busy jugglin all the great stuff goin in my life, somethin I couldn't quite proclaim earlier tis year...I thought 2012 was about to just erode my life wastefully but somehow with a twist of fate, the year seems not likely to end on a pathetic note! I have been creatively active & social & it makes me feel Alive!
Alhamdulillah! Wheeehoo!