A ceremonial gun carriage awaits her tomorrow since she passed away on 02.10.2010. Although she is not quite a high profiler herself, she was afterall behind the main man who moulded Singapore. Madame Kwa Geok Choo or better known as Mrs Lee Kuan Yew surely was one whom although not many know about, is a familiar face who is always by the side of her husband,our Minister Mentor Mr Lee, always seen smiling with bright eyes.
I always had the impression of her as one who is graceful & firm without showing airs despite being the wife of Singapore's "somebody". No one looked half as poised as her with white hair in a cheongsam/shamfu. I knew little about her & only a few weeks back that I read the interview of the MM by The New York Times about their lives and her health goin into decline to the point that she was bedridden. I was really moved by their loving demeanours....I know, I get all warm & fuzzy seein & readin abt old people being all lovey dovey!
Photo taken from The Straits Times
Anyhoo she reminded me of Siti Khadijah, the Prophet's Muhammad's first wife some what. Both had similar qualities. Both were successful & intellectual individuals on their own yet both choose not to outshine their husbands & were always there to support their husbands, with calmness & wisdom...they went through thick & thin together & are their husbands' best Companions ever! And she was quoted to say "I walk two steps behind my husband like a good Asian wife". Much admiration & respect!
So here's to u Mrs Lee...may u rest in peace!