The theme for mesye's company D&D was Hawaiian Night, so i stuck a huge flower in my hair & wore a tropical green dress to go with the theme...and 2 unexpected things happened. Weirdness but i should somewhat feel complimented.
First was...a Mat Cisco tried to hit on me la when I was waitin impatiently for a cab. I was really taken aback cos it is very rare for such a thing to happen to me. Sanggup dia u-turn to ask if he could get to know me. But..eck i turned him down flat, i can feel his hope shattered right there. I said no thank u, i'm engaged, showed my bling and walked away. While in the cab moments later, i was thinkin..gosh he must have thot i'm such an arrogant bitch or somethin..eeps!! Thank u for the compliment eh Mat Cisco, i should have been more polite but sorry, i was too shocked to think of somethin nice to say at the same time i dun wanna give a wrong idea.
So much for bein a Hawaiian Nite, much performances were very hmm Asian-inspired. Was mindin my food, had lil chats with Iyuan n laughin at the antics of people on the stage when the MC went around the floor lookin for best dressed women nominations. Was very happy and cheered on Lina, one of the gals I noe from the company who shared the same table with me when she was picked out by the MC but then the next thing I noe, I was also picked for best dressed candidate. EHH?? there were like 6 or 7 of us and we had to go on stage & claim our prize by Wondergirls' Nobody. Alamakkk!! tis has never happened to me before la & puttin me in the spotlight like that after soo long of not bein on stage or dancin, my heart was in my mouth.Gedebak gedebuk man! And Iyuan came up front row to capture pics/vids..lagi Stress! Felt so freaky, anyhow whack...i didn't win..hahah! But Lina won! Deservingly...congrats!
Weird there somethin different abt my look lately? Is it the "darah manis" symptom of a bride-to-be? Hmmm...
Anyways week end is here again! Enjoy it!