Saturday, 27 September 2008

Καλοκαίρι μου, σ' αγαπώ!

Ok, June (freakadina) totally triggered me into a "Mamma Mia" mad mood in tis midnite hours! Hah! Yeaps am totally charmed by that movie, i so wanted to watch it & i did! Dragged mesye along although he was totally not into such a musical movie thingy. *LoL*

the first thing i noticed when i entered the theatre was the rows n rows of aunties! Well I DUN CARE! i had an inkling that the movie's gonna be great because there's adventure & self-discovery involved and tis is most definitely a Major Pull factor for me-the movie's backdrop- GREECE! i can never resist the architecture of Greece's lil quiant towns/villages & lil lil paths & steps waitin to be explored & *swoon* Oh i didn't mention the lead character's name's Sophie too rite? Hehe! Well i'm damn right when i thot it's gonna be great cos it was Oodles of FUN with a tinge of warmth to touch my lil heart & of course of course, Love the movie location but i missed out the name of the Greek Island.

So i had to Google it out & have to put it up here!

Some info from

Yiannis Chatzitrakosas at Skopelos Web has provided me with some more details on Mamma Mia film locations:

"Kalokairi is Skopelos! The opening "Mailbox Scene" in Mamma Mia is a composite shot. It's shot at the entrance of Skiathos village. The post letter box on the bottom half of the screen with the white stone and the back view is from Skopelos village and the sea view is from Skiathos! The island at the back is the beautiful small island of Tsougrias which has great beaches accessible from Skiathos, which is the island that the Beatles wanted to buy in the 1970's."

"The three actors' first appearance in Mamma Mia is from the Nisi area near Glisteri beach and in back you can see Sarres beach Area on Skopelos, Ai Giorgis, and Alonissos island."

By the way, Kalokairi, the island's fictional name in the movie, means "Summer" in Greek.

Perhaps a place i could look forward to a charmin charmin Honeymoon in future? Honey honey, how u thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey~

Ouh in case u r wonderin what's that on the title of my reads Kalokeri, S'agapo! & it says My Summer, I Love You! Well i hope it's properly phrased as how i wish to say it! LoL...My Greek's vocab/grammar is pretty limited! hah! Anyhoo enjoy the lil trailers of the lovely movie below!

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Take Me Into Your Peace, My Rabb!

As we face everyday (in Ramadhan or any other given time) with trials & tribulations, frettin & worryin over the little little wordly things that seems to be so pressurising & distractin, pause & re-focus. come back down to...

where Humility to God is the root of Islam, Respect & Trust of others are its branches...let's not get lost & entangled in the webs of prejudice & superficial expectations!

Masya Allah, a week more to Eid...i'm not ready to let go of tis Month of Blessings &'s goin off too fast, too fast...

اللهم إنك عفو كريم , تحب العفو فاعف عنا يا كريم 

Allahumma innaka afuwun kareem, tuhibbul afwa fa’fu ‘anna ya Kareem  

O Allah, verily You are the Most Forgiving, who loves forgiveness, please forgive us O The Most Forgiving

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Girlie Obsessions

-tis album is dedicated to preservin my humble collection of girlie ting-a-lings-

paint me a dreamy future & let the romantic scents of nostalgia linger~

Monday, 8 September 2008

Easy peasy soul cleansing exercise in Ramadhan!

Alhamdulillah we are goin into the 9th day of Ramadhan!

I juz read tis in Ezsra's blog & i simply have to share tis with u (better a lil late than never)! Jazakillah khairan katheeran for sharin tis, Ezsra babe!! 

So while u have spare time to kill or while u wait impatiently in front of ur yummy yummy food for the last few minutes to pass before iftar time, remember Allah, recite some of these dzikrs, reflect deep into their meanings & seek forgiveness for every lil sin/bad deeds with the sincerest intentions of ur heart.

That's a lil soul cleansin exercise for us in tis month of Blessings, Insya Allah!


1.                  Dzikir while waiting for adzan maghrib (3x)

يا عظيم يا عظيم , أنت ألهي لا إله غيرك , إغفر لي الذنب

العظيم , فإنه لا يغفر الذنب العظيم إلا العظيم


Ya Adzim Ya Adzim, anta ilahi la ilaha ghairouk, ighfirliez dzanbal adzim, fa innahu la yaghfiruz dzanbal adzim illal adzim

O The Great One O The Great One, You are my Lord there is no Lord besides You, forgive my greatest sin, for there is no forgiver of a great sin except from The Great One


2.                  Dzikir to recite throughout the month of Ramadhan

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله , أستغفر الله , نسألك الجنة ونعوذبك من النار (3)

اللهم إنك عفو كريم , تحب العفو فاعف عنا يا كريم (3)


Asyhadu al laa ilaha ilAllah, astaghfirullah, nas alukal jannata wa na’udzubika minan naar (3x)

Allahumma innaka afuwun kareem, tuhibbul afwa fa’fu ‘anna ya Kareem (3x)


I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah, we ask for Your Jannah and we ask to be kept away from Naar

O Allah, verily You are the Most Forgiving, who loves forgiveness, please forgive us O The Most Forgiving


3.                  Dzikir from 1st – 10th of Ramadhan

اللهم ارحمني يا أرحم الراحمين


Allahum marhamniey ya arhamar rahimien


O Allah have mercy on me O The Most Merciful


4.                  Dzikir 11th – 20th of Ramadhan

اللهم اغفر ذنوبي يا رب العالمين


Allahum maghfir dzunubi ya rabbal ‘aalamien


O Allah forgive my sins O The Lord of the universe


5.                  Dzikir from 21st – end of Ramadhan

اللهم اعتقني من النار, وأدخلني جنتك يا رب العالمين, برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين


Allahumma a’tiqni minan naar, wa adkhilniey jannataka ya rabbal alamien, birahmatika ya arhamar rahimien


O Allah free me from the hellfire, and place me in Your jannah O The Lord of the universe, with Your mercy O The Most Merciful



Friday, 5 September 2008

Personal Agenda

One of the guys...will have to die

A WOMAN will have to step up & blossom

It's matters over mind

For a better good


Monday, 1 September 2008

The End is The Beginnin

Alhamdulillah...the end of August is marked with relief & joy for both my family & myself...and here we are into September & most significantly, it is the beginning of the holy month of Ramadhan...another month, another phase, another set of challenges ahead! Let's persevere & strive forward!

To all my fellow Muslims, may ur fast be fruitful & all ur deeds be blessed & ur faiths be strengthened tis Ramadhan! forgive me, should i have offended u in any way.  

And to my Multiply friends, i will not be organising any Iftar session or Jalan Raya tis year, i'm gonna be spendin this comin month doin some packing (company's shiftin!) & more time on personal agendas. But should any of u decide to take on the organisin bit & tag me for outings, insya Allah i will join in! hee~ 

Oh and to the Pure Indulgence Seekers...sorry dearies, August come n go too quickly! Batam simply have to wait for our arrival again! Hahaha!

Take care everyone