It's finally here & as much as a Science Geek or Blur Sotong that we are, we are celebratin it in style with much Joy & Gusto! Congrats my fellow TOUGH COOKIES, WE MADE IT!
07.07.07: Collected our gowns, followed by Lunch@Fig & Olive and Outdoor Photoshoot@Fort Canning with Lela and we burnt papers to make pseudo-scrolls to attach to our Famous Amos cookie goodies which we wanted to present to our fellow classmates on the actual graduation day. It was a bunch of FUN, and i bet my cute lil ass (heh) the rest of my gal pals are darn excited waitin for our photos to be ready!
10.07.07: The Graduation Day, i knocked off work late, Liza thought we won't be able to make it for the convocation but we managed to zip our way thru and all went well & smooth! YES we have Graduated and what's sweeter was i saw my ex-trainee teacher from Secondary School! She was conferred with a Master in Early CHildhood Education! It's strange but lovely to be graduating together on tis day! Ahh i must thank Ned for comin to the ceremony and snappin me away with her cam when mine went dead even before it began! Hurhur! And those whom i have harassed to take my pics too...Thank You!
CHEERS my mates!