Friends asked me what i want for my birthday. The only desire I had for the past few months was this: "Peace of mind". And it's comin true! Alhamdulillah. I am finally able to breathe a lil easier now and hopefully those storms in my head will subside and that sunny days will shine upon me soon. Despite of all the setbacks, mistakes and obstacles, I shall keep on movin forward, lookin ahead, makin decisions with no regrets with the guidance of my Lord.
July looks more promisin...A graduation, a resignation and a birthday celebration. It's time for joy to take over...and it'll begin later TODAY. Lookin forward to my lil birthday rendezvous in the gardens...*sheepish smile* it's sweeter if i can be walkin & twirlin around on the grass barefeet! Ahhh i'm so ready for that~
Blessed be, everyone & have a lovely week end!