I had a really early start today. Woke up at 6.15am,my dad was kinda shocked that i was ironin my clothes earlier than him. I told him I gotta be at Khatib by 7.30am and it's for ACES(All Children Exercise S??dunno wat S stands for) day! For some of us here, ACES day was all abt the Great Singapore Workout rite? But let me update u guys, the system has changed! Primary school students now have Hip Hop & Kickboxing workshops!! How cool is that??
Anyways I was late and I kept picturing myself gettin into a panic frenzy when I join the rest of the instructors at the carpark or somethin. In my head..."Oh dear, I'm gonna screw up..Urgghhh Nooo" but thank God when I arrived, I realised the rest of the assistant instructors also did not know the routines. And that the ACES day thingy will be done in the Hall. And I was in time for the thingy. Phew...BUT then, it was announced that I will be assistin the Lead instructor ON stage in front of the children, right from Pri 1 to Pri 6 & their teachers!!! I'm a DEMONSTRATOR!! Goood God!!!!So SCARY ok....So many EYES on me, i do not have experience dancin Hip Hop & i am such a BOO BoO Queen!!!
Amidst the amountin madness that's takin place in my head, i had a lil flashback of myself...wayyy back in Sec 3 or 4, bein propped up on the canteen table at the school carpark, also as a demonstrator but to my buncha schoolmates, i remembered it was scary at first but i had a fun time...So i psyched myself up earlier"Don't Worry abt the steps, they'll fall in place...Let's juz Have Fun!"
So when i got on stage and looked down at the sea of students...I SMILED..it soo helped...tis curve thing always straighten things out! In no time, I was juz movin along, findin my confidence & comfort in the music despite my paranoia. it was quite a struggle but it all went pretty well for the Hip Hop section except for the last bit where the footwork was a lil foreign to me... the teachers wanted us to do a lil performance for the children with the steps we taught them so I juz whacked my own freestyle...ahaha i wonder how the heck did i look like?!?!! felt kinda pressured in between two experienced GUY instructors but was happy with my lil jiggy. Who cares, maybe no one was payin attention to me anyway!
Then came my favourite part...Kickboxing! Yeah!! Missed kickboxing aka Body Combat aka Cardio Combat! My Favourite Cardio workout! The Lead instructor re-introduced us and the children actually remembered my name when asked if they recall each of our names. Wheeee~
Tis part was juz a mere 30 min compared to an hour of Hip Hop! No fair!!! But I had a good time sweatin it out...altho i kinda made mistakes with my punches, arghhh RUSTY already...BUT it was ok i guess, the children were fast at gettin the steps right and they were a delightful bunch, well with just a few unethusiastic individuals. At the end of the session, the children were lookin all happy & were wavin at us as they made their way back to their classes.
What a wonderful learnin experience and good workout! And today, i finally met Eidza face to face instead of seein her in her headshot & Jez's photo albums in Multiply. I thought she looked kinda fierce but in reality, she's really sweet & friendly lah! Hehehe...hey Eidza, thanx for keepin us hydrated eh & nice meetin u 
ok i'm not sure how many teachers there are in my contact list but hey,