It's only today that I saw alot of photo shots and videos taken at the sites where the tsunamis hit. Very scary. What started like a fine day for a beach goer, ended like it was Doom's day. People swept away by the vast currents looked like ants drownin in the turbulent sea. The waves looked Vicious! Mangled dead bodies and buildings everywhere, God, they were devastating sights. There was one photo with a torn apart hut with a banner that dangled "Happy New Year 2" with the 005 missin, man...I felt so sad lookin at that one. It juz reflected the lost lives. Those people who died were probably lookin forward to a better life nxt year, but...
I feel really sorry for those who cannot save themselves from this calamity. From the shores of Aceh to Somalia, my heart goes out to the victims, those dead and those who survived. Also those who lost their loved ones and those who are still hopin that their loved ones are survivin. May God give u strength to overcome tis troubled times. Those involved in helping out the victims physically or financially, I am sure ur deeds will touch many hearts and will be appreciated deeply.
Such a widespread phenomenon that started so close to home. Yet, we are still safe and sound. Didn't even feel a tremour under our feet. If epicentre of the quake that initiated the tsunamis were to occur further south east, Singapore would probably be a drowned city today.*shudder*
I am really thankful to God for bestowin me my life still and keepin my loved ones safe around me. Sometimes, it is freaky incidents like this, that make us sit up, and appreciate more of what we have, especially the gift of Love and Life. Blessed be everyone and please do not take what u have for granted, cos any time, any day, God might juz withdraw them away....